Friday, February 17, 2012

Video - taxi automated booking system


  1. do you realise the video is extremely blur

  2. This is my second recording. It is the best that I can do with a video cam recording a mobile phone. While it is blur, it still gives an idea about the process. I know that many Singaporeans expect perfection, but perfection is costly and difficult - so I have to do with what is possible.

  3. Used to fret why booking for an early morning taxi is that taxing and irritating.
    Then we stumble upon a brilliant way to get a cab, esp at 6 am to catch an early morning flight. A family member would send us to the taxi stand at the MRT station, and hey presto, we could easily catch one cruising by or dropping some people off.
    If not rushing to the airport, would try this TAB system, just wonder there would be enough cab-drivers participating in it.
