Saturday, March 03, 2012

COS 2012 Debates

I have been puzzled by this acronym COS for a few days. I do not know what COS means. I search for an explanation and found that it was being used by the Worker's Party. Nobody else use this acronym. Does anyone know what it means and why it is being coined?


  1. C'tee of Supply --- the "wise ones" who determine how much to give to different ministries and for what national projects etc.

    They come out with the Govt Budget.

  2. It means Committee of Supply, the debates going on right now about the budget. This is a term used in media reports as well.

  3. COS is the abbreviated form for
    "Committe of Supply"

    After the Budget annoucement & debates.. ( or rather chit chat session ) Parliament will move to a next phase to agrue which parts of the budget does not warrant the money.
    This will be done progressively from one ministry to another starting with Community Development.. ( I think )

    Hope this helps you.

  4. Hi Mr Tan,

    I found this, not sure if it's referring to the same thing.

    The Committee of Supply (COS) debate on the budget of individual ministries commenced on 1 Mar 2012, and the Ministry of Home Affairs’ plans for the Financial Year 2012 were delivered in Parliament by our political holders.

    This year, the focus of MHA’s COS debates is on the theme “Strengthening Capabilities for a Safe and Secure Future”.

  5. the Committee of Supply debates currently going on in Parliament.

  6. it stands for committee of supply

  7. Committee of supply
    Read about Singapore parliament on wikipedia

  8. It is Committee of Supply. COI=Commitee of Inquiry

  9. We Singaporeans are world famous for our Acronyms !
    By the way, COS in my NS days meant Company Orderly Seargent.

    These days, in SAF, it can also mean Chief-of-Staff !

    Got to catch up with the times, man !

  10. Hi Khuen Way. Thanks for expressing your support. I hate acronyms and take the effort to spell out in full.

    For example, I just wrote an article to refer to "Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Minister for Manpower, Tharman Shanmugaratnam".

    If we really need to have super-ministers, let us address them appropriately.

  11. Here is a shorter way to address the super minister. He is DPM, MfF, MfM Tharman Shanmugaratnam. But does anybody know what acronym stand for?
