Friday, March 23, 2012

A country of extremes

Singapore is a country of extremes, including the wage gap become high and low income earners


  1. The mindset is still quite 3rd World, lol ... Wrong or no "value" system?

    Does it means we have a 1st World Country, 1st World Govt, but 3rd World outcomes?

    Hardwares and softwares are still very different with HUMAN factor? Hard system methodology might be easy vs soft system methodology.

  2. As usual, Lucky Tan sums up the Unique Singapore reality only too well. Sad, but it is the Hard Truth.

  3. Just wan to give some thoughts about why people here accept all these.
    We are so preoccupied with our careers and raising a family that our brains are lulled into slumbering inactivity, and subconciously come to accept that it's normal. It's like inflation, when the Govt says and the people read that inflation is rearing its ugly head everywhere in the world, people here accepts that it must be true, and would not object when prices are raised.
    We just need an event to jolt our self suppressed mind to open our eyes big big, something like the Rip Van Winkle story, to see the picture, so alarmingly unbelievable that we blame ourselves for being so daft and blind all these decades.
    LKY's 2 famous utterances, mocking Singaporeans, would come to haunt the PAP in the near future, and these are the two that first jolt people awake from their slumber.

    1. Singaporeans are daft people.
    2. You went in (those structured
    financial investments that
    became junk) with your eyes
    Yes, the fault and the blame is on us. Waking up is the first step, next is to initiate change to put the twisted system back to a normal path.
    We really must give thanks, sincerely, to LKY for starting this process of awakening the Singaporeans to finally see with opened eyes, how shortchanged we are, as compared to other peoples.
    Great, he should speak out more often, he's the instigator for change to happen.
    Great article, Lucky Tan, jia you ah.
