Monday, March 05, 2012

Fair comment, without malice

I am quite disappointed to read this "apology" given by Gordon Lee for allegedly misquoting Hri Kumar. I consider that Gordon Lee's earlier quote was fair comment and done without malice - and there is no need to "apologise".

If Hri Kumar was misquoted, he could have written to The Online Citizen to correct the mis-information. This is done quite often in the Straits Times. You can read my comments at the bottom of the article.

I do not like the climate of fear, anxiety and paranoia in Singapore. It is unhealthy. I wish to call on our political leaders to find more appropriate ways, rather than use a lawyer, to correct any misinformation, if they feel a need to protect their reputation.

1 comment:

  1. climate of fear, anxiety & paranoia would doom s'pore eventually. Such environment is toxic to creativity needed to propel the nation forward. Mantra of cheaper, better, faster makes life hard for vast majority of people -> how to outWalmart Walmart? How to outAmazon Amazon? Similarly how to outCheaper China, India when local salaries need to service massive housing debts.
