Saturday, March 24, 2012

Importing a population

Virtually an entire populace has been imported in the past 20 years
as Singapore aspires to become an international city
to attract the top brains and the wealthy.


  1. PAP politicians like to argue passionately, practically all Singaporeans "are imported" from abroad as immigrants, except for the original diluted descendants of the Orang Laut, who used to live along coastal parts of the island in by gone days.
    One very convenient excuse to open the floodgates to more new immigrants, and in the process any ordinary Joes and Janes, with fake talents or educational degrees are welcomed with open arms.
    Aiyah, if that is the case, may as well dispense with passports, just allow any Tom, Dick or Harry, who probably are short term opportunists with the motive just to make money, enter and leave of their own free will. Dispense with the hypocrisy of passport and visa requirements. After all, when these FTs commit crimes here, they are allowed to skip bail and leave our country, meanwhile laughing at the stupidity of our kiasi Authorities. Rightly so, can't even jaga a limping terrorist, how to jaga a on bail FT from absconding from our shores.

  2. On fallen of SG Uni ranking

    Top 1% PRC student would study at Beijing University, Tsinghua Hua University or Harvard University.

  3. "...third class citizen..."

    As early as 2002, polytechnic student thought they were 3rd class citizen.

    Elderly like me - Chinese educated in 1960s-1980s become 4th or 5th class citizen. Their GCE 'O' Level was not well recognised in job market. Labourer's wage was freeze in 1987/1988. CPF rate was cut ! Now, had to Q 4 hours at Polyclinic.
