Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kidnap of children

There is increased fear about the kidnap of children in Singapore. While some children may be kidnap for ransom, the bigger danger is that the toddlers may be taken away, never to be seen again. They may be given away as adopted children or, much worse, may be harmed in serious ways.

Read this report:

We should consider some possible ways to address this issue:
a) Use technology to locate children who are lost (similar to technology to locate a stolen car)
b) Use technology to identify a toddler or a child who may be lost from the parent (similar to tagging a pet?)
c) Set up a website for missing people so that the public can check against children or people who appeared to be "lost"

Any suggestions to deal with this matter?


  1. The Police has reported that there is no reported case of kidnapping. However, there are cases of missing people, including children, which may not be classified as kidnapping - as there is no demand for ransom.

    Some people have told me that abducted children is quite a serious problem in China. We may face this type of problem in Singapore, due to the influx of foreigners.

    It is better to find ways to deal with this problem, including the use of technology.

    I researched the use of microchips on humans. There are issues involving medical impacts, but the idea has been explored. See

  2. One possible technology tool is a device that can be activated to give the location. It does not need to be a telephone. It should be small, like a credit card or a pen. But it must be won with the child.

    Assume that a child is abducted, the child can activate this device and it should be able to give its location.

    This will be suitable for a child who is old enough to understand that he or she is taken away forcibly.

    I recall reading stories about abducted people being kept in cellars or abandoned homes or being taken out of the country. So, this device may be useful.

  3. The device is already available. For example,in android phone, you can turn on the google-location service, whereby your location will be logged on your google account.

    Parents can check this account, for their child's location.

    However, the technology will only be good to track the last known location. The kidnapper will check the child for any tracking device.

    Even for embedded chip inside body, the kidnapper can still scan the "RFID tag" using reader.
