Sunday, March 04, 2012

Service standards in Singapore

Read this article about the service standard in Singapore and the observation that past campaigns did not seem to work.

I agree with the observation of the writer. The poor quality of our service standard is the outcome of our environment in Singapore, i.e. dependence on foreign workers, too much time spent on unnecessary work and lack of respect for the customers. Sad to say, it is also a reflection of the attitude of our government leaders.


  1. Here is a strategy for an organization to improve its customer service

    It only needs the leaders to take an interest. There are effective ways to implement the correct measures that have been found to work.

  2. First of all, am pleasantly surprised that someone in NUS wrote that piece. No, I am not cynical. Wish it appear in the MSM as well.

    Now, it is no surprise that ALL those campaigns we have had for decades, ranging from courtesy, safety to littering, seem to have lost their effects. New cohorts and most important, new immigrants -PRs or Permit Holders or "scholars" !

    As Mr Tan noted, the political leaders themselves do not seems to
    believe in service to the people.
