Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Swiss reject 6 weeks of paid holidays

Switzerland has an interesting system of conducing referendums for their citizens to give their views. Here are the results of a recent referendum about getting 6 weeks of paid holidays in a year. The citizens rejected this proposal, to ensure that their firms can continue to be competitive globally. This shows the benefit of giving voice to the citizens and, in return, they act responsibly. This is a good way to involve the people and to cultivate a responsible behavior.

This strategy should be adopted in Singapore. However, it will take a long time to educate the people, but a start must be made. If we wait longer, the situation will get worse. Let us start with the by-election in Hougang.


  1. How we wish that a referendum was conducted for Singapore citizens on whether casinos should be built onshore, letting us have a say on a sin industry that could have a damaging social effect on our society.
    For such an important policy being forcibly thrust down our throats without consultations with citizens, we would never ever forgive this PAP Govt, as the casinos are lamentably here to stay, as Singapore now has garnered the unsavoury reputation as the second biggest gaming country by world standards.
    Let's hope other casino hopeful countries, like Cambodia, Thailand, Taiwan, or even Japan would beat us to the game in the near future. No honour being given such a low class name tag, it's shameful.
    And we dun see Genting and MBS doing any karma bit to help our people who lost money, making these casino bosses laughing all the way to their banks.
    What people do on this world, God Almighty is watching intently.

  2. With the help of Yellow-shirted led by Sondi-Lim (media entreprenuer), military coup was suceeded in 2006. The military-backed referendum was followed in 2007. 66% of Thais agreed with it.

    The Result:
    - limited military conflicts with Cambodia
    - social unrest from 2006 till 2011

    What is the social cost of this case after the referendum?

  3. @11.42am
    "Let's hope other casino hopeful countries, like Cambodia, Thailand..."

    Legal casino is impossible in Thailand. Where Thais are gambling? SINGAPORE, Lao Republic, Cambodia, Myanmar-Thai boarder.
