Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time to widen the coverage of Medisheld

14 March 2012

Editor, Forum Page
Straits Times

Time to widen the coverage of Medishield 

Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong wishes to consult the public on his 
proposal to extend Medishield to cover birth defects. He said that premium 
rates will go up. This is likely to be a futile exercise, as some people who do 
not face this risk will be against any change that will add to their cost of living.

As a national insurance scheme, Medishield should be extended to cover
most types of conditions that are outside the control of the individuals. Having
a child with birth defects is clearly an uncontrollable risk that should be covered.

The Minister should also look at other flaws in this system, such as 
the large number of people who did not join this scheme for various reasons at
the time of its implementation and who now wish to be insured. 

Most of these people are older, and may have some chronic illnesses, which prevent them from being accepted under CPF's current underwriting rules. But they do pay a higher premium that is based on their age, and may be willing to pay a loading or surcharge. It is better to allow them to join Medishield and enjoy the benefit from the risk pooling, rather than
to let them remain outside the system. 

Those who are provided with medical benefits by their employers should be allowed
to stay outside of Medishield, if they wish to, and join Medishield at a later date
when they are not employed or not covered. This will avoid the wastage of double
coverage, which add to the cost of living.

As a national scheme, Medishield should adopt an underwriting approach that is
different from profit-making private insurers. The aim should be to provide coverage
for nearly everyone, rather than to select only the healthy lives to make a profit.

If the Minister is worried about increasing the premium, there are other ways of dealing
with this challenge, instead of restricting coverage. Some of the cost can be borne
by the Government and more importantly, the medical charges should be regulated and 
not allowed to escalate due to market failures.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. @ "As a national scheme,Medishield should adopt an underwriting approach that is different from profit-making private insurers. The aim should be to provide coverage for nearly everyone, rather than to select only the healthy lives to make a profit."

    I support this stand. Perhaps our system is even more backward than in China.

    It could be a reason why many had opted out to join in Private Health Shield, hoping for wider coverage, but might not be better off although it might cover higher medical costs for private hospitalisation, but actually with higher "excess" which the ordinary Singaporeans might not be aware.

    National schemes should not be too "calculative" but be with some "social" objectives.

    It is a problem with "cutting corners".

  2. Agree with above comment.
    People dun really realise what an irresponsible and calculative Govt we have voted in.
    A national health scheme should not be all in $ and cents, should have a social motive to fund for the people's health needs when the need arises. Now the Govt's intention is very obvious, trying to wash its hands off providing this social responsibility in looking after the health of its people, by encouraging us to buy our own health insurance from private insurance Companies, whose primary objective is profit oriented, thus exposing us to their ever increasing demands to jack up premiums at their own will, making us the citizens at their mercy.

  3. I find it really funny that... E.g. Eldershield, every year they will send you letters to ask you to upgrade to this and that.

    These are national schemes, and the 2 Insurers are picked by the Govt. If the basis is right, why need to upgrade almost every year.

    And it is asking for more premiums...promising say more coverage. So are the basics sufficient first of all? If not something must be wrong from the start about these schemes.

    Can there be new ways every year where Singaporeans can be incapacitated at Old age, that we have to upgrade Eldershield like upgrading iPhone? LOL.

    50yo Patient stay 12 days C ward plus 3 days ICU ward. She is well now.

    Before gov grant:$37,276.52=a unit of HDB 3-Room Flat the paitent bought.

    After gov grant: $15,054.65

  5. ...cont'd

    Incomeshield Pay: $6,090 (40.45% of chargeable bill)

    Patient Pay: $8,964.65 (59.54%)

    Compare Incomeshield claim and patient payment, why medishield claim is limited?
