Friday, March 02, 2012

Twinkle - what if the situation is reversed?

1 comment:

  1. Right, it's human nature big fish eat small fish, and big size Da ge should bully small Di di.
    When Di di one day grows up and becomes bigger than Da ge, then it's his turn to take revenge, right?
    Unfortunately, no matter how much food Singapore, the Di di, gorges on, he would never become bigger than Da ge, China.
    Pragmatic solution? Just Pai Ma Pi the two biggest Da Ges in the world, China and America. So no war no war, Singapore would plead.
    But when there is war in the Spratly Islands involving both Da Ges, which Da ge would tiny Di di Singapore side with.
    Meanwhile, netizens here must first swallow their national pride of being labelled dogs.
    So TKL is right, using his pet dog analogy, we have to let the furor die down. Bo bian ah.
