Wednesday, March 07, 2012

US Presidential Election - Obama's message

I am glad that Barrack Obama has a good chance to be re-elected. He has the right vision for America and the world. We only need him to get the support of the American people and to have a friendly Congress.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are also Democrats and Obama supporters, he looks like a peoples'
    President, and although he bumbles around with the US economy, at least it has found its feet on firmer ground under his reign.
    And although he seems to play Isreal out on handling Iran, he seems to have an astute knack on handling difficult political situations on the international scene, cunningly nudging Isreal to take action on Iran on behalf of America in due course.
    America is lucky to have such a President, his famous working behind the scene to nab terrorists, is really commendable.
    We thumb for a second term for Obama, with God's help, or rather with Allah's help, as he is a Muslim in disguise. There is hope for America and the Muslim Middle East. You need a Muslim (American President)to handle the delicate situation of the Muslim world.
    But many Americans do not give him the due credit just because he is Black, what a shame.
