Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anti-trust action against Apple

It is interesting to know that the Government officials are prepared to take legal action against a very big company, like Apple, for potential violation of the law.

Singapore follows the example of America in adopting a free market approach. We should also follow their practice of ensuring that the free market continues to be fair to consumers.

1 comment:

  1. A Chinese tourist guide from Beijing once told us, Singapore Govt manages the country's economy like playing a majong game, retaining the good cards and throwing out the bad cards.
    We corrected him that this perception should be discarded, as the new leaders are now adopting a free market approach, copying the US, to manage our economy, but allowing free reins to run into rogue capitalism with fewer and fewer controls, even standing aside as amused bystanders to the game, as long as their(Govt officials) interest are not at stake. This official attitude also rubs off onto the people, leading to the creation of "me first" attitude, other people outside our family a distant second.
    PM Lee got it wrong when he criticized residents objecting to building old folks homes at their backyard, in fact he is criticizing himself and his PAP Govt. People just copy what his Govt does, only care if it affects us, otherwise die die is your own business. That's the way the Govt here manages the economy.
    The guide looked at us with a surprised "Bu hui ba!".
