Friday, April 13, 2012

Remove immigration form

At the immigration checkpoint in Penang, I asked for the Immigration form and was told that it is no longer required. What a pleasant surprise! Congratulations to the Malaysian Government for getting rid of this useless form.

The Immigration form was created over 30 years ago, in the days before computer system. It was necessary to track the movement of foreigners into and out of a country. When computer systems were introduced and passports could be scanned on entry and exit, this form was not necessary. A few countries got rid of the form - the European Union and Dubai. Other countries simplified their form - UK, Australia and China.

Singapore continued to use the old useless form for foreigners entering into the country. It is time for Singapore to get rid of this useless form. We should move to the modern age and be bold to recognize what is no longer necessary.


  1. Few week ago, I went to JB and asked the immgration officer: "Do I need to fill in white card?". she replied: "No need. Run of white cards."

    Did I hear it wrongly???

  2. The forms are not necessary `when the stocks run out'. If you visit Malaysia often then it would be better to register for the frequent traveller's card for RM$30 a year. No white cards are needed.

    The white cards carry the mandatory death warning for drug smugglers. Thus they are necessary for infrequent visitors especially from countries other than Singapore. I suspect, Singapore retains them for the same reason, as well as others.
