Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bersih rally attracted 25,000 protesters


  1. According to another version of news( reported as follows(By S. Pathmawathy at 6.30pm April 28, 2012):

    Electoral reforms pressure group Bersih 2.0 says its rally today was a great success, claiming that 300,000 Malaysians had joined the Bersih 3.0 rally to call for an overhaul to the electoral system.

    "In that sense it was a success," said the coalition for clean and fair elections co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenvasan(note: Ambiga is a Malaysian Lawyer who served as the President of the Malaysian Bar Council from 2007 to 2009) at a press conference at the KL sentral after the rally.

    The lesson drawn from all these recent worldwide protests or rallies shown more and more ordinary citizens are now aware of the fact that "Without political power, there is NO economic power." the statement which was once declared by Dr. Chee Soon Juan, the Secretary-General of SDP.

  2. The official reports given by government/police to press is under-reporting the number of participants by around 10-fold.

    An actual number is hard to get, but an estimate is easy enough. Open google map, look at length of road covered by protesters, estimate width of road, estimate amount of space occupied by each protesters.

    Using conservative numbers (meaning numbers that should actual arrive at a lower than actual estimate) - 2KM length, 80 feet width, 4 sq feet per protestor, we get 120,000 in attendance. The 300,000 thousand estimate is much more believable than the 20,000 official report.

  3. When we comment about our neighbours, let's not forget ourselves.

    We don't even have a free press, much less the baility to demonstrate.

    Bersih would have been more convincing, if it has not been hijacked by Anwar and his supporters. Just watch the video on him instigating the crowd to break through the barriers. Of course he claimed to have said `Nego...nego' meaning to negotiate with the police, instead of `Go...go' as his gestures showed. Ambiga must have been disappointed with him. Perhaps she should get rid of him for Bersih to be credible.
