Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Bersih" rally in Kuala Lumpur

It is interesting to watch the forthcoming happening of the Bersih rally in Kuala Lumpur. A similar rally last year was tightly controlled by the Police. This year's rally will happen in a more relaxed atmosphere. It reflects the confidence of Prime Minister Najib in opening up the political environment in Malaysia. I hope that the rally, which called for "free and fair elections", goes on peacefully and well.

If so, this could lead to similar developments in Singapore. We can also learn from Malaysia.


  1. My friend told me that he is going to KL to cover this event and to report it in a social blog. We can look forward to his report, from the perspective of a Singaporean.

  2. Someone asked if I am encouraging demonstration in Singapore.

    The answer is "no". I hope that Singapore will learn from Malaysia in creating a more relaxed environment for citizens to express their views and for political changes to be made.

  3. One of the more inspiring stories to come from Bersih is the 66 year old former English language schoolteacher Anne Ooi who not only actively participated in Bersih, but actively promotes and encourages more people especially the elderly to support. Her reasoning was of the incredibly selfless sort - older people have less to risk career-wise from arrests, and in fact, are less likely to be arrested, hence they should shoulder more of the burden!
