Monday, April 16, 2012

DBS Bank makes life difficult for its customers

DBS Bank really makes life difficult for its customers. I have to make a payment through internet banking to a friend. He gave me his DBS bank account.

I login to DBS  i-banking and have to create a payee. I went to look for my mobile phone, which is usually not kept with my desktop PC. This is one unnecessary hassle - on top of entering a user name, PIN and a 2FA token number.

I tried to register the payee. DBS bank asked me for the type of account and gave them 3 choices - Autosave, Current, Savings Plus. I don't know why DBS Bank has to ask me this information, as my friend did not tell me what type of account.

I entered 4 fields of information and tried "Autosave". It was rejected. I had to re-enter the 4 fields of information and tried "Current". It was rejected. I re-entered the 4 fields of information and tried "Savings Plus". It was rejected again.

I had to e-mail to my friend to ask "what type of account is it"?  MAS makes it difficult for a customer to change a bank account. If it was not so troublesome, I would have switched away from DBS Bank already.

This is life in Singapore - so troublesome, so costly, so inefficient.


  1. Dear Mr Tan
    I've long ago given up up on certain things like internet banking.

    I just mail a cheque.
    Or meet my friend over coffee and giving him the money.

    Both methods have worked very well over many years.
    No need million dollar investments in technology and constant upgrading.
    And cyber security consultants.
    And technical maintenance manuals that I doubt anybody reads.

    There are many productivity tools that are simply not productive for the average Sinkie to use.

  2. This also reminds me of something, Mr. Tan. Can remove the hassle of deciphering curly letters authentication for users who are already logged in with verified google, facebook etc. accounts.
