Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Do the right things and do them right

DPM Teo Chee Hean made this wonderful statement. Here is a response:


  1. Top 10 Frequestly Asked Questions:
    Q3. Can I withdraw my CPF if I am leaving singapore....


  2. Absolutely spot on.
    Is bringing in the casinos the right thing to do, and the Govt do this so right, that the retirees having lost their money become crazy, that families and couples break up because of gambling debts, that desperate gamblers take their lives because of debts and despair, all these the Govt are saying, and saying with such a straight face, that they are doing the right thing, and doing them right.
    Holy God, and here we have Uncle Teo saying it, on behalf of the PAP Govt, without the slightest blink of the eye. Really give our hats to him, he must have passed with flying colours, a MediaCorp acting class.
    Losing Faith is false, losing TRUST is real, George Boy Boy, the ever Diplomat, was putting it too nice.

  3. Allow me the priviledge why our Govt is not doing the right thing for Singapore. Our leaders' planning is focussed on short term competitiveness, either unaware or choose to be self deceptive on what's going on around the world.
    They base our economy on the financial industry, which is basically a gambling business like the casinos, and copying the Chinese Govt, support and promote foreign investors to invest in the presently lucrative hardware IT business, leaving out the software business, the latter fast becoming the the King of IT as shown by Apple. The Apple I- Phone is not a phone, it's a computer itself, and very likely would break up the monopoly held by Microsoft and its collaborator supplier of its core hardware chips, Intel. The repercussion would hit China and Singapore badly, both countries supplying the hardware industries. The software technology is changing so fast that it will catch China and Singapore by surprise, before they have the time to blink an eye.
    By simplying its software, Apple can sell its I-Phone for $800, but pay the Chinese manufacturers just $2 for manufacturing the Phone hardware, thus pocketing a huge profit of $600, that's really cool. No wonder Silicon Valley is a hotbed for IT software industry, and dun need rocket science to realise it is now leading America out of the messy recession.
    So what kind of future do Singapore fit in on our Govt's shortsighted guidance of our economy. It's scaring even for us to think, and they boast so much about doing the right thing and doing them right.
    More likely they are doing the wrong thing, and doing it wrong, completely. But as usual only the Bystander could see things clearly, the Govt in the circle within, are blinded. Paul Krugman, the American economist is the Bystander, and he could see it clear and loud.
    So fellow citizens, we have to wake up fast, we are now having a blind man leading the blind around.Very soon we would be left behind by this fast changing world.
