Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finding a job for older people

Many older people lost their jobs and found it difficult to get a new job. My friend, who has suffered this episode, gave this suggestion on how to get a new job:

a) Be ready to try a new way to get a job. Do not just stick to the old, way, i.e. respond to a job advertisement, as your chance are lower compared to younger people competing for the same job. Some HR managers have a prejudice against older people.

b) Look for a temporary job near your home and be prepared to accept a modest salary, or even an hourly rate for part time work. Many firms need people for short term projects, e.g. to replace another worker who has resigned recently. The firm may not be willing to take you for a full time job, but they might be willing to try you on a temporary or part time job.

c) If this is a job that you are not familiar with, be willing to work for a few days without any pay. After all, this is what training is about. If you go for formal training in a school, you have to pay the school fees. If the firm take you in for training, you do not have to pay this fee. The firm might be willing to give you an allowance.

d) If you do the temporary job and is able to demonstrate a responsible attitude and ability to contribute better, based on your experience, the firm is likely to invite you for a full time job. If you find the firm or the job to be not suitable, it is all right to move to another job after completing the project.

He has tried this approach and it worked for him. He like to share this experience to encourage other people to give it a try.

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