Monday, April 16, 2012

No response to customer feedback

Dear Mr Tan,
There is something that I would like to share with you and your readers which is regarding my experience flying on Tiger Airways. What I want to share with your readers is that I was surprised that a multimillion dollar revenue company like Tiger Airways does not seem to provide any real recourse for passengers even though on the surface they have a web portal for passenger feedback. I still remember it was in the news when passengers complained and that was when Tiger announced that they intend to beef up their customer service and installed a web portal for passengers.
It unfortunately became my turn to send my feedback through their web portal recently and simultaneously wrote in a letter of complaint to them. It was disappointing when I called them up to check on my feedback after 10 days of silence, the reply was that they have no record of it on their portal (The web portal does not send an auto-reply on receipt of feedback) nor received my letter.
I called their customer service officer and after much persuasion, directed me to an email address (I'm not sure if its even functional as even that did not manage to get through, from what she said) and said there is no other ways for my letter to reach them. I just want to make people aware that even if feedback channels exists, but it may non -functional as from what I experienced. A quick check on the internet shows that other passengers also have the same problem of getting no response from feedback and that is quite disappointing. I'm amazed that a company of that status and revenue, we can still expect such functional lapse.

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