Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Police post in China

I accompanied my friend to a neighborhood police post in Shantou, China, to lodge a report about a missing document.

While waiting, I saw three large framed pictures showing the map of the district covered by the police post, the photos of the personnel in the post and the photos of the officers who perform the duty of audit.

 I find the arrangement to be quite impressive. It improves transparency and accountability. I believe that similar arrangements should be made in Singapore. 


  1. S'pore police post more interested in taichi-ing your complaints to civil court and asking you to go attend court and get magistrate order yourself. Oh and also they are more interested in closing the police post at 10pm sharp and go to the pub for drinks. Too bad, if only I am 20 years younger, I will sign up for local police --- iron rice-bowl, good salary and easier to skive.

  2. We hear about the negative side in China, i.e. the corruption of the lower ranks in the public service.

    China is dealing with this problem. Increasing transparency and accountability is an important step.

    My relative in China told me that the leaders at the top levels in Government are generally honest and sincere, but with the large population and many levels of government, it was difficult to control the corruption at the lower levels.

    At least they are trying to address the problem, and I am impressed with what they are doing.

  3. The same is displayed in hospitals ... there is no need to go Polyclinic...LOL.
