Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A ponzi scheme in gold bars

Read this article about what may happen one day, that will cause tens or hundreds of millions of losses to unwary and gullible investors in Singapore.


  1. Investors have to understand the basics. Gold and other commodities have no yields. Unlike stocks that have dividends to boost returns or to cushions, there's only fluctuation and speculation. After the deducting the upfront sales charges which are surely hefty to encourage salespeople to keep on selling and recruiting more salespeople to sustain cashflow for the excessively enticing promised returns, the bow is bound to break at a point. That's a ponzi scheme.

  2. Absolutely incredible, after all those press reports about the perils of landbanking and gold bar schemes, there still recalcitrant people around who think money could fall from the sky, ready for them to pick up.
    The Phuket guide told us this incident. On the morning of the 2004 Tsunami of Indonesia, when the sea receded into the horizon, there were plenty of fish flopping around for those at the beach to pick happily. The rest was history, all were swept out to sea when the waves rolled in.
