Thursday, April 05, 2012

Showing respect and courtesy

This was written on 4 April and scheduled to appear when I am in China.

There is a tendency for some people to be quite disrespectful when they post comments in the Internet. They make insults and personal attacks and interpret other people's views in a manner that is not logical or reasonable.

Sometimes, I wonder if these comments are from younger people who has not learned how to respect other people's views. Often, they pass judgment about other people that are unwarranted. I worry that this type of behavior could be due to our environment, which promotes the concept of "excellence", "me first" and a self-centered outlook.

But, I have also seen this type of behavior in older people, so it is not a reflection of the behavior of younger people. More likely, it is a reflection of our environment or, what I describe as "our culture".

I do not wish to be critical about our culture, and only wish to point it out, so that people realize that there is a need to show respect for the views of other people, and to avoid insults and personal attacks of a direct nature.  I hope that my views are taken in a positive light.


  1. Hey...

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  2. Our environment of "excellence" and "I want to be top" breeds the culture of "me-first" and "me-only".

    In this culture, there is little respect for the views of other people and little understanding of what is courtesy, respect and proper behavior.

    Singaporeans respect people who have power over them. It is time to learn to respect other people, who are not powerful. This will make a more gracious and better environment.
