Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Act against car racing

17 May 2012

Editor, Forum Page
Straits Times

The recent fatal accident involving the Ferrari car and taxi at Bugis was caused
by speeding and reckless driving.

I call on the Police and Land Transport Authority to increase enforcement against
speeding and car racing. I recall that several complaints were made about
car racing in the early mornings, but no action was taken.

Many drivers may not be aware about the speed limit on our roads. The
One Motoring website stated that, unless otherwise indicated,
the speed limit on our roads is 50 km. This may not be widely known, as it is
quite common to see many vehicles be driven at a faster speed on our roads.

I suggest that more publicity should be given on the speed limit, especially as
many foreigners are now allowed to drive on our Singapore roads.

There should also be exhortation on the need for defensive driving. Even if
a vehicle has the right of way, a prudent driver should be ready to stop a vehicle
in time to prevent a collision.

Many drivers are impatient and in a rush. They are unwilling to give way to a
vehicle in front that signals an intent to change lane.

Singapore is a small place and our roads are getting more congested. There is
no need for cars to be driven at a fast speed.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. I suggest handing out more license suspension to keep the roads safe from the lack of irresponsible drivers. And to keep traffic low.
