Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Praise for Mr. Desmond Choo

27 May 2012

Editor, Forum Page
Straits Times

While many people would have congratulated Mr. Png Eng Huat for his
convincing and resounding victory in the Hougang by-election, I wish to congratulate
the defeated candidate, Mr. Desmond Choo, for his admirable character and
performance during the campaign.

He had:

  1. Made a commendable effort and "worn his socks out" in reaching out to the voters, young and old
  2. Refrained from engaging in any personal attack on his opponent
  3. Pledged to continue to serve Hougang residents,even if defeated
  4. Agreed to cooperate with the elected Member of Parliament for the good of Hougang residents.

Prime Minister Lee said that he respected the choice of the
voters of Hougang and asked all Singaporeans to work together as one
people to achieve what is best for Singapore.

I urge the PM Lee to take the first step and get the People's Association to
appoint the elected MP as the adviser to the grassroots organizations. This would a
clear demonstration of the sincerity of his statement and would signal to the
people of Singapore that there is truly a new beginning to bring unity and reconciliation
to a people long divided by negative politics.

Tan Kin Lian

Published in St Times Online

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