Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hougang by-election – my vote

1 comment:

  1. WP seems over cautious with that Dr as a back up candidate.
    PAP wouldn't dare to pull a fast one on Hougang voters, only LKY in TP could get away with one, but not any other PAP candidate in this ward, and dun forget also the poor cleaner's court case still in the dock.
    Perhaps it's better to be safe than sorry, when you are in the midst of crafty greedy wolves, who only consider dangling Hougangites with a new supermart, HDB upgradings, goods and services freebies, etc., all these should have been done ages ago, but may likely materialize if PAP snatches the seat away, but will evaporate into thin air like magic,if WP retains the seat.
    Just like in our GRC, the only time we see our MPs' faces is just before GE, after that they become invisible and mute and deaf for the next 4 to 5 years.
    So best advice, receive the temporary freebies when given, and vote WP, have to try out that Minister's suggestion about having 2 MPs to serve the ward , then take 4 years to guage whether PAP's promise of Upgrading works for this Opposition ward still hold water, or just an Election gimmick to hoodwink the voters.
