Sunday, May 06, 2012

How doctors die

Many people are worried about the high cost of health care, when they grow old. They hear stories about how expensive medical treatment can be.

This article explains how doctors approach this question. When they get very sick, they decide whether or not to go for treatment. If the chance of survival is small, they prefer not to be treated.

If the elderly patient does not waste money on futile treatment, the expenses can be much lower.


  1. Hello Mr Tan,

    I am a keen reader of your blog and website.

    I get very useful information from your personal opinions as well as readings from other sources that you posted.

    I just finished reading the article by Ken Murray on How Doctors Die, and I must say that it was a very good read.

    Having seen how my uncle fought cancer, I never want to be like him if I am ever terminally ill.

    Anyway, thanks for all the enlightening information. I enjoy them very much and I hope you keep up the great work and keep them coming!

  2. Here is how Warren Buffet approaches his cancer. He said "no big deal". There is a higher risk of being killed by a "jealous husband".

    May 06, 2012 6:42 AM

  3. Here is how Warren Buffet approaches his cancer. He said "no big deal". There is a higher risk of being killed by a "jealous husband".

    May 06, 2012 6:42 AM
