Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to evaluate a life insurance policy

This article shows how you can evaluate a life insurance policy, by taking a few relevant figures from the benefit illustration.

If you want a better way to invest your savings, read this article.

1 comment:

  1. You can see for yourself that the hefty commission in wholelife and regular ILPs and all par products rob you of the return and protection..
    Are you consumers not convinced? Do you still think the insurance agents deserve the hefty commission? What value have they added to your financail life?
    Wake up up. Insurance salesmen don't add value. They steal from you wihtout you knowing it. That is why they dare NOT tell you upfront the commission they get from the product they push to you because it will shock you. Salesmen push products for commission and nothing else. Don't let them bull you that they are some financial consultants. What qualifications they have?
    They are cheating you; first they are not financial consultants they claim they are;they break the law for not disclosing to you the commission and all that needs to disclose. They break the law for not following the FAA; they lie to you about the products.Sue them if you think they have cheated you.
    Remember your rights.
