Friday, May 04, 2012

Insurance should cover everyone

I have given my views on Medishield and it is quoted in this article in Yahoo

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see Tommy Koh doing damage control over his character credibility.
    He's known to have a firm grasp of American politics and her economy, letting us have a peek at what's the real America is like, away from what's have been reported in the Press within and outside the country.
    Until he got caught redhanded in the Wikileaks's talk about passing frivolous remark about " Japan a big fat loser", we've always put him in high regard. Now we wonder whether he has 2 faces, a hypocritcal, intellectual public face, and a totally different, sarcastic private one.
    Whatever, this time he has redeemed himself in defending the common people's bane in insurance companies, adopting discrimination in cherry picking the healthy, and discarding those with known chronic diseases who need insurance the most.
