Saturday, May 19, 2012

ST inverview with Yeoh Lam Keong

Dear Mr. Tan
I enjoyed the ST interview of Yeah Lam Keong, written by Susan Leong. Usually I don't read articles from SPH journalists, as they are too pro-Govt, but the headline caught my attention, and as I read, tears welled up my eyes. What Mr. Yeoh said reflect precisely what I have been thinking about the state of situation here in our beloved country.

American economist Roubini once said about China's leaders handling of the Chinese economy, "The path of least resistance is to go forward", as by stopping what the Chinese Govt has been doing would lead to a collapse of this Asian Giant's economy, and that is catastrophic, and will lead to social chaos. 

Roubini's description of China also applies to Singapore. Our leaders have also lost their way, and they can't stop what they have been doing, so they resort to tweaks here and there to try to plug holes appearing fast in the economy. And the future is scary. The new leaders seem to be very shortsighted, no planning ahead and seem to be frozen at a standstill position. One word to describe them, incompetency,as compared to the old guards who are no longer around.

Simply, there is no real talents among the pool of PAP leaders, and lamentably, the real talents are not joining the Govt, as they know they would not get to be heard and made much contributions. All the Govt is concerned about is holding on to power at all costs, and get themselves rewarded highly, so pump in foreigners to prop up the GDP growth, their rewards being GDP linked, and in the process stepping on a large segment of the citizens, leaving them poor and demoralized.

Our PM is not able to lead Singapore, and yet is steadfastly hanging on. How we wish to have a really competent leader emerging on the political scene, but at the moment there is, lamentably, none. We really fear for the future.

Concluding an excellent article, I hope that our leaders do reflection on what Yeo said, but we know, even if PM Lee knows the situation mentioned here, he is powerless to act, simply he does not know how to  remedy it. So he could only resort to stop gaps and continue to do the same thing all over again.

It's really bleak for Singapore, and our Govt is copycating what the Chinese Govt is doing, leading to stalemate here. As citizens we have to stop dreaming, and the Govt has to stop pepertutaing this dream. but our Govt won't dare to stop.

Note: An extract of the interview can be found here.

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