Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Unfair allegation of dishonesty

Will Hougang voters be fooled by this unfair allegation of dishonesty?

Will out leaders and media continue to set a bad example by distorting the truth?



  2. I have recently come across a blog which claims to be pro-PAP (nothing wrong with that). The blog started around the same time the P65 Blog became defunct. Coincidence.
    The writer claims that he not writing for the PAP though the details that he manages to scoop up are often quite "privileged". Envy him for his ability to "come across" such information "somewhere on the net".

    I found that a Ong Ye Kung is a one of the members of the blog and when I pointed it out, the names of the members were removed coincidentally within a day. Fortunately, I had taken screen shots so I can substantiate my claim.

    I just wish to point this out. Readers can make their own judgement.

    I am not really a pro-opposition supporter though I profess to be anti-PAP for the reason that I do not buy the values and action of the governing party which is simply disgraceful to say the least. (Please don't compare with other countries to say that such actions are the norm or not as bad.)

  3. It is a shame, what one party and the MSM had apparently been up to in the coverage.
