Thursday, June 21, 2012

High cost of nursing care

Many Singaporeans are not able to afford the high cost of nursing care for their parents. They belong to the sandwiched generation, who have to take care of parents and their children. The Government can, and should, play a bigger role.

1 comment:

  1. The article is well said of what's happening at ground level. We should go back to basic principles of filial piety and should as far as possible not put our dear ones in the nursing homes. More can be done to make it more affordable for children to engage caregivers (helpers) to look after their dear ones at the comfort of their homes instead of nursing homes. They should as far as possible leave in the comfort of their home rather than nursing homes.

    On the one hand our Government has 'interest' in nursing homes and want them to 'make money' and not making it easy for us to look after our elderly.

    More need to be done eg flexibility of using our own CPF to help in taking care of our elderly parents, I am sure if they do a detailed study there is sure to have a 'win win' solution for singaporeans. It just that no one wants to take the initiative.

    What has the Committee for Aged done?

    I am sure in the next 10 years something will be done as the present ministers will definitely make sure that they are taken care of when they reach the age.
