Monday, June 18, 2012

Kuala Lumpur International Airport

The Malaysian authorities have done away with the disembarkation card and the custom form. This has now been confirmed on my visit to Kuala Lumpur. I first observed this change two months ago when I visited Penang but I was not sure if it was a temporary arrangement, e.g. they run out of cards, or was made only for Penang.

At KL, I was required to scan my index fingers for verification, but the process was fast. A year ago, I had to scan all the fingers and thumbs and the process was long. It took 3 hours to cleared the queue at that time.   The authorities had probably learned that it was not necessary to verify all the ten prints and that two prints are sufficient!

I am happy to see that the Malaysian authorities had been progressive in getting rid of unnecessary requirements, i.e. the entry cards, and have used technology in a sensible way. It is time for Singapore and other Asean countries to learn from Malaysia and get rid of the unnecessary cards and forms.  


  1. Ya, the form is a hassle especially for people who travel with their kids. First, you have to find the form, next a pen and you have to concentrate to fill in the form while keeping an eye on your kids and the luggage. Well, for people who are not from English speaking countries, they have to guess what is "embarkation".
    Then should I find a hotel fisrt before I fill in the form because I do not know where I am staying tonight?? :))

  2. The Malaysian Govt should have done away with the irritating forms long ago.
    Dun worry, the Singapore Govt would follow later, Singapore now is in copycat mode, China, Malaysia are our role models, except the ISA Law, this albatross round the citizens' necks must remain engraved on the stone, the most important Commandment of the PAP, under the false facade of security for the country.
