Friday, June 22, 2012

Microsoft's Surface Tablet

This new device from Microsoft is exciting

I agree with the optimism. I believe that Microsoft will succeed with this gadget. There are many people who are now using Windows on PC. They will move to the Surface tablet.

This could be a big challenge to Apple. 


  1. They made a very smart choice of having a USB port. That will enable the use of a mouse, and other devices like printers, controllers, cameras, etc.

  2. Yes, Microsoft Tablet will pose a serious threat to Apple, as its tablet has a keyboard, while Apple dun have.
    But Microsoft's weakness is the computer system periodically hangs, and if they could solve this problem, then its tablet would be more user friendly.
    Meanwhile, the Apple tablet is good for children and still childish adults to play games anywhere.


    Do you still want to buy this product after seeing this?

    One thing good about Apple is that, they make sure that their products work well in presentation.

  4. On hindsight, Apple still would be a leader for some time, as Microsoft products take about 4 years to be stabilized for various reasons, and also has no phone connection like Apple.
    1. Microsoft himself is a stingy, complacent and inflexible man, and in trying to save costs, he outsources many IT processes to India, a country not known for quality control.
    Apple has its own software and hardware technology firmly in control, and it controls the retailer also through franchising its stores worldwide, thus having a grip on market sales.
    2. Unlike Apple, Microsoft has no phone Company, but it sells its lousy software to Nokia, and Nokia is now suffering for the mistake. Being too complacent Microsoft allows Apple to strike ahead and make big money. Apple also grabbed hold of the free search IT given out by Google.
    Actually Microsoft's biggest competitor is Google's Android Phone through its purchase of Motorola, which uses Google's free software tech and search engine.
    Samsung is quick on its feet too by using Google's free software.
    Now it's a puzzle why Nokia do not dump Windows and switch over also, else it would do as well as Samsung. After all Google's tech is free for everybody, why pay for Microsoft lousy tech.
    3. Presently Android Phone is not as user friendly as Apple, but Google has plenty of dough to improve its Android Tech, and maybe its now low key Pad also, then in the near future, the result will be Apple would loose its dominant Position, and Microsoft would be wiped out.
    Perhaps this is Google's intention, i.e. to kill Microsoft Windows finally. Apple has to make money on its phones and tablets, Google dun have to, its search engine and advertisments provide all the profits, thus Google can give out its software tech free for the Android.
    4. Thus by the time Microsoft Tablet is stabilized in 3 to 4 years time, Android may have taken over the market, edging out Apple and routing out Microsoft completely.
    5. Presently the setback for Microsoft Tablet is it has no phone connection and the market nas doubts doubts on its user friendliness, thus we would still stick to Apple I Pad and Phone.
    Concluding, better dump Microsoft shares and maybe Apple too, and stick to Google and Samsung shares.
    Even if Microsoft finally acquire Nokia phone, it's already too late for this complacent Giant.
    Kudos to Google for its sharp vision ahead. So Microsoft Tablet is out for us.

  5. To use a mouse on a touch screen device? Hmm....
