Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A new social and economic order

This video shows a new social and economic system, which depends on lower energy consumption and lower economic growth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv2MHEDlXlU


  1. PAP would be toppled. Their grow gdp at all cost like cancer approach is unsustainable.

    SG imports practically all its food. When energy prices so do food prices.

    30% of sinkies will be elderly by 2030. With high food prices, tsunami wave of selling flats to buy food will be even stronger.

    Those who believe pap's monetise flats for retirement funds are living in fantasyland. Many would be wiped out.

    BTW, our neighbour Indonesia has withdrew from OPEC in 2009. Keeping for their own country. No surplus to sell to other countries.

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in 2010 is another proof that the easy oil is gone by drilling in deep waters.

  2. It comes as a jolt to our mind that Singapore is "addictive to Growth", like being addictive to heroin use, any slower GDP growth would be a nightmare to the PAP Govt, any slower, the people who elected them into Parliament would trample them at the next Polls.
    So the fear of losing power is behind the obsession of increasing economic growth by hook or crook, even if it means stepping on a segment of population, so be it.
    Without Growth means having to curtail pay for the political Elites, too drastic a reduction would scare off the gold diggers to remain or join the PAP fold.
    So PM Lee's fears of slow growth is for real, hope that he won't resort to opening more casinos, other sin industries to create growth, but be ready to be deluged with another flow of foreigners, the Govt just can't think of anything else to sustain growth.
    There is no other medicine to cure this Addiction.
