Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nursing home in Bishan

Residents in Bishan are against the building of a nursing home near their high value HDB flats. Article. So are residents in other parts of Singapore. What is the solution? I urge the Government to build a retirement village in Lim Chu Kang and to make it a car fee zone. Local buses and taxis can operate within the village, and express buses can bring the residents to other parts of Singapore or their children to see the old folks. 


  1. Rental Rate at Bangkok is around 5000 baht per month. Cheaper rate at 2500 baht is available outside Bangkok CBD.

    Reitree may rent out one HDB room and relax yourself in any part of Thailand. Elderly are well respected in the Land of Smile.

    Other than Deep-South Thailand (formaly a sultan state), muslim & Buddhist are highly harmonised. Outside Bangrugrad Int'l Hospital, you will find an 'Arab Street'.

  2. Hi,

    Not all residents are against the building of nursing homes near their home. I am not even sure if the majority of residents are against it. I am staying in Bishan and I am all for nursing homes in the area.

    However, the authorities must ensure that any associated in-convenience caused by the move is reduced to a minimum. There should also be a buffer area consisting of greenery (say at least 20 metres) between these homes and the nearest residents unit if they are on the same level.

    Some of these attitudes also stem from a distrust of the residents. They have little confidence that the authorities will take their interests into consideration and not leave them as "co-lateral damage" to certain policies done in the name of the "common good".

  3. nursing homes are much better if its near in the residents because, seniors wants a neighborhood who can be their friends that can talk to. Have mercy on the people that is too old to handle themselves, They need a companion. I am so very happy that I entrusted my parents to Senior Living Seattle , where they enjoy having neighborhoods that can talk to.
