Sunday, June 10, 2012

Regulate the Internet

Many people will be appalled by the proposals to regulate the Internet that are being considered by China. Article and will condemn China for this additional "repressive" measure.

In my view, these measures are necessary and sensible. The new law will require the websites, blogs and micro-blog owners to ensure that the people who contribute their opinions are registered with a true identity. It is important that people act in a responsible manner towards other people, in the Internet and in the real world. Many of the behaviors in the Internet by anonymous people are not acceptable.

At present, China banned many social media blogs and websites. This is too harsh a measure, but they found it to adopt this measure to control the irresponsible behavior - which could incite hatred and violence.

After the new law is implemented, I expect China to take the bold step or allowing the social media to develop. This would be a clear statement that China is not repressive, and can show a good example to the rest of the world on getting the right balance between free speech and responsibility.

But, I could be wrong in my optimism. Let us wait and see.

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