Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We have enough Singaporeans

Here is a hard hitting article about the bad deal for Singaporeans. Article

1 comment:

  1. Many people,specifically the younger Gen, now know about the recently deceased Dr. Lim Hock Siew thru the new media.
    But this blogger is not fair in judging us or the Opposition MPs for not defending Dr. Lim.
    Need we remind him that the good doctor's torturer is still alive and kicking well, any attempt to reinstate the Dr's good name would have no breakthrough. Just look at the various attempts to call for justice for the 1987 ISA's arrests of the torturer's deemed "Marxists". What happened so far? A stony complete silence from the PAP Govt. No PAP MP, including the PM, dares to utter a single sound.
    Surely Blogger Feed Me To The Fish is not that "daft".
    He must have noticed the strategy of the Govt, can't give answers, they turn deaf frogs or when confronted face to face, they throw back the question to the questioner. We have to bide our time, whether we like it or not.
    Even if we would like the Opposition MPs to query on the total losses of our 2 SWFs in Parliament, the Opposition have no evidence whatsoever on whether there are reckless wrongdoings or monkey business involved.
    Blogger should stop ranting and join us in waiting out. The timing is just not right.
