Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Consumer Guide to Insurance

The slides have been updated to include more topic. The talk will 
become more interesting. Read the slides now and enrol for the talk.

Did you buy the right life insurance policy? What do you terminate
a bad policy and take a loss now? 
You can find the answer to these questions at the FISCA
educational talk - Consumer Guide to Insurance.

Here are the slides for the talk

You can register for this talk here:


  1. Do you know ntuc income has revised their products so low, like the single premium growth, the annuities, deferred and immediate and yet the agents are still pushing them without disclosing the truth. Of course compared to CPFLife they are miles away. The company should stop offering these products. The agents because of greed might offer them any how especially to those aunities , uncles and old folks like what MAS mystery shopping disclosed old ladies being sold regular ILPs which break even in 20 years.
    Consumers must learn what are the right insurance and not cheated by insurance salesmen.
    They should attend the talk by Fisca and learn.

  2. MAS should check on ntuc agents' production, especially the so called executive financial consultants. You should know how they got this title.
    I bet 90% of the production is product pushing and lack the standard as required by MAS and LIA.

  3. It is very shocking to learn that a senior VP of ntuc has approved of selling the regular ILP vivolink to old people in their 60s. Wonder whether he is competent or not.MAS should check on him.

  4. Anon August 03, 2012 5:01 PM.

    Not surprised. That was how when they made ILP sale a condition to qualify for the incentive trip to Spain. And Viola!!!!everyone became an expert investment adviser. No wonder that was how these financial consultants advised on investment.
    There was an auntie Executive Financial consultant who shared how her mindset was changed after looking at the Great Wall of China and how she suddenly became an expert in ILP later..Wow ..powderful, right? mindset turned her into an expert in ILP.
    I hope MAS is watching and can see the danger of so called 'financial consultants' pushing regular ILPs with high cost to old people, aunties and uncles.MAS should conduct an audit on these ' ILP experts" Executive Financial Consultants.They are very dangerous salesmen.
