Monday, July 23, 2012

Wages and inflation

This article gives useful information about wages and inflation rates in Singapore in recent years. The target for an investor is to earn 2% higher than inflation. So, they investor (or consumers) have to learn how to achieve it. Join FISCA as a member.

1 comment:

  1. Now all the insurance products earn below 3% and they are being peddled by insurance salesmen as wealth accumulation products. How could consumers retire when they are sold these products.
    Remember during Mr. Tan's time the single premium product called Growth was giving between 4% to 6%. Did you know what is the return now? It is a measly 2.8% for the 10 year tenor and 2% for the 5 year tenor.
    Despite being so rotten the greedy agents are still peddling it to the unwary and comatose customers.
    Is it ethical? Well, those without the conscience they will stoop to anything.
