Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Address the systematic issues


  1. Heard this remark in the coffee shop,

    un know whether this Govt is intentionally naive, or trying to avoid the ground realities as they dun know what to do, why such a large gap of disconnection with us.
    When people have to struggle with paying bills, who have the time to think of sacrifices for the country, or what do we wan Singapore to be in 20 years time.
    With the internet age, time span has been shortened to within 1 year, people wan instant gratification, just like the Ministers.
    E.g. try telling the Ministers, please make sacrifices for the country by offering to cut your own pay by another 50% for 2 and a half years to show empathy with ordinary wage earners, would they stay to serve.

  2. I think he has been ill advised by his advisers with foreign roots, just like the emperors of dynasties. Fed with too much good news, golden period etc. nobody dares tell him the hard truths and hear only the hard truths from a bygone era... Sad but that's how the emperors finally became extinct, together with the mass exodus of the peasants, to be replaced by warriors from a foreign state. Remember xi she, one of the 4 beauties?

  3. Heard another remark in the neighbouring coffee shop:-

    "Wealth does not pass three generations". First generation builds, second generation enjoys and third generation squanders.

  4. Tatler's latest..

    ..As Assoc Prof Straughan rightly put it, "housing is a basic need... you can't deny a Singaporean of a basic need just because they don't conform to the ideal family types."


  5. Ng Kok Lim's latest..

    "Dear TREmeritus,

    I refer to the series of four articles [1], [2], [3], [4] by SGPolCom."

