Sunday, August 12, 2012

American and Russian Presidents

i want to share this joke, which I believed was used by President Ronald Reagan.

An American told a Russian, "In the USA, a citizen can go to the White House and tell the President .... President Reagan, I do not like the way you are running this country".

The Russian replied, "But in Russia, we can also say the same thing to President Brezhnev in the Kremlin. "

The American was surprised and asked for clarification. The Russian confirmed, "I can go to the Kremlin and tell President Breshnev ... Comrade President, I do not like the way that President Reagan is running his country!"

Ha, ha. This is for my readers who are not trolls and have a sense of humor.


  1. Nice joke. As people say in Singapore there is freedom of speech as long as you don't actually try it.

  2. "Nice joke. As people say in Singapore there is freedom of speech as long as you don't actually try it"
    on the PAP.
    NUS Professor Tey got trussed up like a chicken because he tried it not only in Singapore, but in Hongkong as well.
