Saturday, August 25, 2012

Are you happy to be living in a rich country?

No Singaporeans are crazy enough to pray for poverty, but extreme wealth in the hands of a few is just as bad. Without that the economic gap here is already the world’s widest.

All these impressive fortunes are good for boasting, but believe me, I would rather wish for a more even distribution. The foreign billionaires can be here today, gone tomorrow.


  1. Dear Mr Tan.
    May I suggest that this is the wrong question to ask "Are you happy living in a rich country?"

    A better question may be;
    "How does it benefit me if Singapore becomes a richer country?"

    "How does it benefit me if I support high salaries for politicians?"

    and etc.

  2. ST posted the survey by Knight Frank on Singapore being the richest country in the world prominently on Page one, makes us sick, what a mockery and so insensitive.
    All the wealth is in the pockets of Companies, esp MNCs, and the Elites and political Elites.
    The majority of citizens are struggling with high costs of living, some living from hand to mouth.
    Really feel like smacking the bums of this childish mouthpiece, boasting without turning a wee bit of pink in the face.

  3. I have a few questions:

    1. Is wide-income disparity an effect of the capitalist economic model (free-market model)?

    2. Will Singapore experience an even higher rate of wide-income disparity among its citizens if Singapore's economic model remains status quo? (However, I understand that the Singapore government is trying to move the value of every Singaporean's work up the value ladder through education, increased productivity, etc)

  4. The Singapore government seemingly wants to leave "as much of everything" to the free-market. Maybe it thinks that is the most efficient way to grow a country. According to my limited knowledge of economics, I also think that it is the most efficient way..

  5. Asset Rich but Cash poor to the so called "RICH COUNTRY"
    I rather have a balance?

  6. Own as many diamonds and watches as you want. But have a sensible property policy that does not allow multiple foreign owned properties to be kept empty while rents are driven up.
