Thursday, August 16, 2012

Exorbitant roaming charges

I have written a letter to the newspaper about the high roaming charges for data usage on mobile phones and tablets when used outside Singapore. 

My telco charges $10 to $20 per megabyte. I am able to get data usage locally on prepaid card at $0.20 per megabye. So, the roaming charges are 100 times of the actual cost. 

I have written to my mobile operator a few times, but they refused to review th
e rates. So, I have to go through the inconvenience of buying a new SIM card each time, or topping up the local SIM card.

I am willing to pay $1 per megabyte (5 times of the actual cost0 but not 100 times! I hope that our businesses in Singapore behave in a reasonable manner and do not fleece their customers excessively.

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