Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Government procurement - independent panel

18 August 2012 

Editor, Voices
Today Paper

I refer to the reply from the Director (Corporate Communications) of the
Ministry of Finance on government procurement.

In referring to my suggestion on having an independent panel for large 
tenders, the Director said that "While agencies can engage such experts 
to help in the tender evaluation, it is important that accountability for 
purchases remains with the agency."

The Director had missed the intent of my suggestion, which was aimed
to ensure that this is independent consideration in the award of 
the large tender.

The procuring agency can still have its influence and accountability when they make the 
recommendation to the independent panel. It will be more difficult for the procuring 
agency to collude with its favored suppliers when there is an independent panel.

The role of the independent panel is similar to the role of the board of directors 
in taking major corporate decisions.

The Director had mentioned the existing of an audit process. The audit process can 
check for compliance with procedures, but may not be effective in checking that 
the tender have been awarded based on achieving the right price and quality and 
in preventing favoritism in the award.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Dear Mr Tan
    I admire your persistence in coming up with good suggestions.

    Personally, I've given up on this government. And I simply refuse to make any good suggestion.

    As the old idiom goes. Give them enough rope to hang themselves.

  2. How to achieve first world standard when we have such dull witted directors in charge? Our govt tends to hire lousy people and pay them high salaries. I attribute it to poor HR practices

  3. [MOM is not the only one buying expensive designer chairs]

    [AGC, SPRING defend designer chair purchases],-SPRING-defend-designer-chair-purchases

    [Is there a code of conduct for procurement officers?]


  4. Government procurement may change due to the unhappiness of MOM paying $272,000 for 472 Herman Miller chairs for its staff [$576 per chair] and $57,200 for 26 foldable bicycle [$2,200 per bicycle].

    But can this happen in the 80s, 90s or even early 2000? We went through Use Your Hand campaign, every drop of water counts, more help for low-income families, more rental flats for families in housing troubles, use public transport as it is cheaper, higher productivity etc

    On one hand, Govt encourage citizens to be thrifty, careful with spending, spend within one's means, conserve expensive natural resources like water, the Govt pay themselves top-class salary and reward themselves 8 mths bonuses for excellent GDP after building 2 Casinos.

    From the above, the public has to be thrifty while the rich e.g. millionaires Ministers, has no problem approving $576 chair or $2,200 foldable bicycle.

    How can MPs and Ministers expect trust and respect given this type of unbalance and bias actions. It is no wonder the public is angry.

    On one hand the heartlanders are doing our best to due with shortage of respectable work for PMET & middle age people, on the other hand, Ministries and Ministers are earning and spending out of control.

    What is the President doing? What is the Prime Minister doing?

    One cannot wait until a Euro crisis then the public realize that Govt over-spent on non-essentials due to hanky-panky procurement process.

    The head of the Ministries must stop all this immediately else leave the job. One cannot be paid $800,000 a year and ignore this responsibility of making sure their house is careful in spending. For every incident, the head of Ministry cannot put the blame on the purchaser who bought an over-price items. Where is the responsibility of a person who sign a big cheque? Does this person know what he is signing? Where is this person sense of duty to make sure purchases is reasonable? Why must the whole system change drastically when the immediate approving officer and the next did not carry out their duties or worst, they approved the purchase and when public feedback negatively, the purchaser is referred to CPIB?

  5. [Define Legal]

    The Attorney-General Chambers (AGC) is defending it's purchases of Herman Millers by explaining that it had "complied with all relevant procurement rules and best practices for its procurements."

  6. "The Attorney-General Chambers (AGC) is defending it's purchases of Herman Millers"

    Govt says buy expensive chair ok.
    Public says not ok.

    Govt says buy expensive bicycle ok.
    Public says not ok.

    Govt says Ministers' salary ok.
    Public says not ok since 90s.
    [Govt salary reviewed after GE11

    Govt says public transport ok.
    Public says not ok as over crowded.
    [Govt pay attention after major breakdown]

    Govt says foreign workers/talent at 25% population ok.
    Public says not ok.
    [Govt pay attention after GE11]

    Govt says taxi in COE cat A ok.
    Public says not ok since 1990s.
    [Govt change rule recently. 2012]

    Govt says education system ok.
    Public says not ok.
    [cost too much tuition fee, Adults cannot do P2 maths problem]

    Govt says build 2 Casinos ok.
    Public says not ok.
    [Govt get 8 mths bonus & public continue to due with gambling addicts]

    Govt says Foreign-turn-Singaporean sports person is ok.
    Public says no ok.
    [now after so many year, Foreign borned sports talent retiring in table tennis and we still do not have credible local table tennis players. Who is responsible? As usual, no one from PAP]

    Govt not listening to public or MPs previously and now restart studies on new feedback and concerns of public on low birthrate etc. Keep on this way and they have nothing to show during GE 2016...

  7. they say old chair is been use for 10 year but did any empolyee's complain of back pain.there is a saying "if it ain't spolit why change it".You can find the RC also just change stone make chess table/chair and give all sort of reason.I THOUGHT STONEis more reliable to stand rain/sun?

  8. The time for learning and gathering feedback is long over. Do not expect highest pay and deliver apprentice type of work!!! You have nearly half a century to learn to do it right so no more excuses about need to learn some more, cannot do it means cmi, let others try instead

  9. "A blogger on TR Emeritus had pointed out that – based on tender documents and award information on government procurement portal GeBIZ – the AGC had, in March, bought 200 ergonomic chairs at S$597 each. [LINK]

    The post has since gone viral.. ]

  10. If our Government is serious and believe in full transparency, they should form an independant body to investigate into their own Ministries first, followed by the statutory boards and other agencies like town council etc.
    Why pay for a expensive chair when there are other cheaper ones. For our own use or even our children, I do not think one will spend such money on a chair.
    The independant body should look into the tender process, award process - is it my friend or relative company etc etc
    If our Government wants to be the 1st in the World, than start the invesigations right now and get their processes right.
    Eg do bot come forward and say the bicycles are ok and later bring in the CPIB etc.
    Should the public bring something up, rightfully they should say 'we will investigate and let the public know of the rationale and details of the tender process'. Do not just say its ok.
    Using public money if similar quality chair cost $200 and will last 5 years, I will buy these chairs instead. In 5 years time, technology change and who knows better chairs and lower price.
    Gone are the days companies will go for Branded stuff for their office as their main objective is to save cost, but not our Government.
    I hope our PM or President will initiate a special task force to start investigating into their various offices.

  11. ST Forum - August 27

    [Public officers governed by code of conduct and discipline]

    Lim Bee Khim (Ms)
    Corporate Communications
    Ministry of Finance
