Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Intentional harrassment

Alex Tan has been arrested for intentional harassment by using abusive language.

Some "sick" people make it a habit to be insulting and attacking me and to do it anonymously and continuously. I suggest that they make their insult in an e-mail, so that their identity can be proven.


  1. To combat the continued and international harassment by "Adrian", I have decided to change the setting to require all comments to be posted with an ID.

  2. Quite a few people think that they have the right to attack and insult other people, if they do not like the opinion posted. They think that it is free speech.

    These are the same people who will feel offended if I allude them them indirectly.

    They have to learn how to behave in a civilized manner.

    Some of these people have made statements that Alex Tan was just giving a feedback. But Alex should give his feedback without using offensive language.

  3. Somehow, I could not link using f-words to harassment, intentional or otherwise.

    Did Alex trail any SBS personnel, or threaten any SBS personnel?

    Once again, the SPF and the AGC seem to in another case of framing charges that defy logic as in the famous doctor case that drew a cosmetic penalty or two, no?

  4. Regarding Mr. Tan unable to tolerate the continuous abuse from Adrian, he could make the same compliant to the Magistrate.
    It's not difficult to reveal his real identity. Until he is nabbed, he would continue, as he is already mad, very mad beyond rescue.
    But then, all these wasting of precious time to try to nab an insane person, who has yet to consult a doctor at IMH.

  5. I think Alex has a valid complaint. The problem is if he follows the rule and feedbacks through normal channel, his complaint probably will be drowned in thousands of complaints and ignored.

    To me, it is not civilise to pack so many passengers into a bus to a point that you have to face the arse of standing passenger. The bus and train companies should understand that if you treat customers like a pack of animals day in day out, then do not expect nice and polite reponses from your customers.
