Thursday, August 30, 2012

National Conversation - how to overcome scepticism

The Prime Minister has called for a National Conversation. There is promise that sacred cows can be sacrificed. However, many people are skeptical. They have seen a few similar exercises carried out over the past years - and the major policies continued to be unchanged, and things got worse!

The Prime Minister can win over the people just by adopting one major change, such as:

a) Reduce the price of new HDB flats
b) Abolish GST
c) Reduce National Service obligation

Suppose, the Prime Minister ask for a national debate on one or more of these issues and invite people who have proposed alternative views for this debate. And, if one of these sacred cows are really slaughtered, the Prime Minister would have gained a lot of credibility for this National Conversation.

I hope that he will consider my suggestion!


  1. Anything could be done, provided there is political will.
    None, so far, just lip service, so people are skeptical without even bothering to hear the details.
    Loss of trust is the blocking stone on the pavement.

  2. When you have a parliamentary democracy but without a proportional representive of MPs to represent your voice. This is the fatal flaw in our system of democracy. Remembered that in the last GE 2011, the ruling PAP won 60.14% of the total valid votes cast against the opposition parties of about 39% . However, the PAP won 81 seats out of 87 contested seats in parliament. For that reason, any meaningful or effective National Conversation is thus being destroyed. One should not forget that vibrant opposition is part and parcel of a true democracy. It's an institution, a pillar and a basic for which a consensus-building greatly depends on.

  3. You know I will be damned elated if the PM do take up Mr Tan's suggestions!

    Somehow, I am fated to pull a long face, day after day losing faith in my country, my government, the abilities of my children to lead a decent life.
