Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Negative aspect of social media

There is a tendency for social media to reflect the negative aspect, often times when it is untrue

This is the negative aspect of human behavior and is an unhealthy trend.


  1. In all things, there are 2 sides to a coin, negative and positive.
    Without social media here in Singapore, the monopolistic Mouthpiece is like a tap, controlling the flow of info, and take on the role of a "Brain-washer", in collaboration with the Govt.
    Many times citizens get to know the "Real Truth" from foreign media, particularly through social media.
    Without it, it's like living in North Korea.
    Sure, some people get hurt by troublemakers to spread "untruths",
    but social media also performs a social role to inform and educate about the "truths".

  2. I concur with yujuan.

    Decades of tight media control, and brainwashing with occassional vieled threats without recourse, and what do we have? A what we now call a 'kiasi' population that is relatively easy to exploit and cowed. The social media may be viewed as negative, but it does have its positive side in making Singaporeans more critically aware of what the 'truth' really amounts to.

    Besides, most untruths are readily shot down and exposed. Singaporeans are not really that daft and unable to differentiate between good and bad. Far from it. The last election proves my point.
