Sunday, August 12, 2012

Observations on a morning walk (2)

Twinkle back on a leash
Twinkle (my pet dog) is now back on a leash. After two mornings of freedom, i.e. without a leash, she forgot her discipline and went far away from me. I had to call her back, before she gets knocked down by a car.

It is difficult for a 12 year old dog (which is equivalent to a 84 year old person) to change her habits and instincts. It may take a longer time, but for her, there is not that much time left.

Walking down Sunrise Way, I was surprised to see a stretch of houses with the Singapore flag hanging at the  gate. They were obviously not put up by any Resident Committee and were likely to be the work of the owners.

Perhaps a few residents decide to put up the flag and the neighbors had to join in, as they do not want to be the odd house out. This can be described as "peer pressure".  Anyway, the surprise was soon to disappear, as further down the road, there was no more flags. So, it is just a small stretch.

The Singapore flag at my house is now in front of the gate, and is not "behind bars".

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