Thursday, August 09, 2012

Prime Minister's National Day Speech 2012


  1. Going by the vast majority of comments posted, the PM National Day Message appeared to be an non-event. That is my take. Just 2cents that is worth much less nowadays with inflation.......

  2. I like this one:

    "PM Lee, from this speech you’ve clearly put Singapore and Singaporeans first. It is truly commendable and we applaud such noble intention from you.

    Can you please take sincere and real action? Speeches and apologies without action are nothing but hyperbole.

    If you really meant what you said, reform our political system, civil service & mass media to be more democratic & neutral immediately. We are not asking for them to be anti-PAP, just not pro-PAP will do, thank you.

    Singapore is Not PAP nor is it vice versa.

    This is for the best interest of Singapore & SINGAPOREANS. Status quo is only beneficial for PAP but disadvantaging Singapore & SINGAPOREANS. Many of your cluelessly imported trash & those obscenely rich foreigners are simply making use of us rather then helping or adding value to us.

    By disadvantaging or handicapping other political parties with things like GRC, ISA & defamation suits, subjugating the Civil Services to advantage PAP (HDB upgrading) & making all of our mass media to be the marketing, PR & propaganda machinery for your party is doing Singapore & Singaporeans a great disservice & injustice.

    Right now if you or any of your party memebers deny it is so, then you guys are very deluded, out of touch or simply lying.

    We will respect you a whole lot more if you’ll rather admit it then denying it and still want to talk cock each time you give a speech."

  3. Read the views from Lucky Tan

  4. Govt can say all they want. Bottomline, heartlanders should ask the questions:-

    After GE 2011, what has changed?

    i) Ministers' Salary reviewed.
    ii) HDB demand/supply easing.

    I cannot think of another....

    What I hope to see change:-
    a) COE very expensive
    b) HDB moderately expensive
    c) inflation high
    d) I want to control my own CPF after 55
    e) Too many foreigners.
    f) Spent too much tuition on children because school education is crazy.
    g) Ultilies in HDB still expensive.

    Govt should list down and priortize the things they want to do after consulting the public or using the feedback system. So many ministers, so many part-time MPs, so many back room staff and I still don't know what they have done or going to do? You use tax payers money and payout $50 million a year yet Singaporeans don't know what Sgp Govt has accomplished since GE2011. Govt can give warning about low birthrate, economy slowdown, higher inflation etc but we are not paying for news or experts reporting, we are looking for delivery or roadmap...
