Thursday, August 30, 2012

Priorities for Singapore

If there is one thing that the Government can do, what should it be?
Give your views in the survey publised in my Facebook,


  1. Agree with the priorities for Singapore mentioned here, but there is another one, perhaps more pressing, the complete relaxation on citizens' democratic rights of free speech and expression, and allow another private independent Press to challenge Govt controlled SPH's dominance.
    This will lead to wake up the creative ability of people, long being suppressed by the Govt, due to decades old brainwashing. Look around, any Singapore Samsung or Acer? Singaporeans now can't think out of the box anymore, reduced to be just followers of instructions from above, mind blunted, unable to create anything grandoise, in fact it's the only country in the 4 dragons, or even in Asean, that has no product icon. Maybe only Singapore Airlines, but even this aging icon is struggling to be one,
    to be replaced or taken over by foreigners soon.
    Even our other own icon, Tiger beer, is falling into foreign hands, and its parent Company, F & N is to be butchered into several parts and sold as well, Temasek Holdings being the culprit, slowly selling out our National assets, one by one. This the only way to make money?
    No creativity in the people may be the beginning of the end of a country. Many local talents in the industry are ditching their trade to go into the lucrative property business, and we have to depend on foreigners for engineers, skilled technicians like bricklayers, electricians and plumbers, to run our country, holding us to ransom.
    We now need an American style bursting the property bubble, to get people who have lost their trained skills to come down to earth.
    After the 2007 sub prime property madness in America, Americans went back to their technological innovative roots to make a living, hey presto, Apple came out with new products practically overnight to wow the whole world, even catching the Japanese industrial leaders by surprise.
    Obssession with property blunt people's innovative mind - if there is easy money to be made from property, who wan to slot for a living as a skilled engineer, technician,etc., it's a vicious cycle, we have to attract more foreigners to fill up the hollow of lost skills.
    This is what's happening in Singapore, together with political tight control of the people makes for easy Governance, we fear for Singapore's future. Looks like our Govt is the culprit of Singapore's woes.

  2. Today, CNA broadcasted the Republican Party Convention held in Florida.
    Among the celebrity supporters giving speeches was the cowboy movie actor, Clint Eastwood.
    He said "If somebody could not do that job, you've got to let him go."
    Wise saying. This is called true democracy and meritocracy, and this is why we still have faith in America, and this is also why many of our local talents have lost faith in Singapore, and are quitting this island nation in droves, and this is also why our Govt has to keep on opening the floodgates to foreigners, because our local talents are hollowing out or losing skills. Without foreigners, our country will collapse overnight, our economy will grind to a halt.
    So what is our Priority in our eyes at this crossroad junction.
    In a way, even though the Govt is the culprit, it is right to open the floodgates, there is no other way, and these foreigners know we can't cope without them.
    Blame the PAP Govt for our dilemnar. (Sorry, not good at spelling). Singapore is losing out fast, still stuck to the 1970s and 80s, losing out fast even to a backward country like Myanmar.
    Bleak, ain't it.
